MANI MONDAY: Simple Mustard & Deep Tea Nail Art

by - November 05, 2018

Hey guys! Here's a little story about how today's mani came to be. For our weekly #CBBxManiMonday, the theme we decided on this week is "Inspired By" and I had an idea I was really excited about doing. I'm a pretty huge Doctor Who fan and I've really, really been loving the new energy brought this season with Jodie Whittaker's thirteenth Doctor, so I wanted to take her iconic outfit as my inspiration. Turns out that was really, really hard to do and after fighting with my nails for about three hours, I was frustrated and tired and sort of gave up. So my inspiration for this mani? FAILURE. I decided to stick with two of the polishes I was using for my original idea and do something super simple and cute. I'm fairly happy with the look, but still a little bit disappointed that my initial plan didn't work out. 

To take a look at my Inspired By... Failure! nail art, keep reading!

For my first and pinkie nails, which I've been tending to keep quite simple lately, I used two coats of Sinful Colors Blue Crushin' and topped them with a coat of Color Club Matte-Ified Matte Top Coat, which gave the final colour a much deeper, richer look than when the shine was bringing out the brightness of the deep teal shade.

For my middle two fingers, I started with a base of China Glaze Mustard The Courage. I'm so glad I picked up this polish because it's super different from anything else in my collection and I love the way it plays with really rich, saturated colours that scream fall to me like this deep teal. For the stamping, I decided to keep it really simple and used this sort of... heart garland design from the BornPrettyStore Valentine's Day BP-L004 stamping plate. I love this image because it's so simple and cute. I used Sinful Colors Blush Crushin for the stamping (turned out a little bit more sheer than I might have preferred but I still like it) and finished with a coat of the Color Club Matte-Ified Matte Top Coat on these two nails as well. 

One thing that I've had to learn as I've been doing nail art over the past couple of years is that sometimes what you picture in your head just isn't going to work out. And because I'm such a perfectionist, my failed nail art always ends up on cotton balls in the trash rather than in photos. Still, another thing that I've learned is that there are techniques and go to's that I can lean on when what I'm going for doesn't work out, but I still want something cute on my nails. I really did intend for this week's post to be inspired by Doctor Who... but I think there is certainly something worthwhile in learning to be inspired by failure. 

How's that for looking for a brightside? Hope you liked this week's nail art! Don't forget to check out what Eithne, Jayne, and Renee were inspired by for their nails this week, for our #CBBxManiMonday!

Thanks for reading!

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